“What is sadhana? It’s a committed prayer. It is something which you want to do, have to do, and which is being done by you. … Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best.”
-Yogi Bhajan
Sat Nam Dear Ones,
We would like to invite you to our Sadhana Sunday, from 6:00 to 8.30 followed by breakfast from 8:30-9:30.
What is the Aquarian Sadhana?
Is a series of spiritual practices done during the amrit vela; (2.5 hours before sunrise) when the sun is at a sixty degree angle to the Earth, given to us by Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga.
‘These early hours are perfect for meditation where pure universal energy can flow in and around the body undisturbed by the business and stress of our workday. Although you can practice sadhana at any time of the day, early morning sadhana has a different energy and is great for cleansing the body. It prepares the mind and the body before you face the world each day and it is a very sacred time you can take to connect with your Higher Self before the clutter and business of life interfere with your practice.’
Here’s what a traditional Aquarian Sadhana looks like:
Recitation of Japji – The Song of the Soul. Jap means to repeat, and Ji means soul. The repetition of Japji gives you a consistent projection and allows you to access your own infinite source of inspiration and depth.
Kundalini Yoga – Following Japji is a Kundaini Yoga kriya to get you breathing and move energy. Kundalini kriyas help us to get our circulation going, remove tension, release emotional blocks, stimulate our organs, our glandular and nervous systems, and prepare us to sit for meditation.
Aquarian Mantras – to invoke the many benefits of meditation, increasing your vibration, and further strengthening your nervous system.
“The greatest reward of doing sadhana is that the person becomes incapable of being defeated. Sadhana is a self-victory, and it is a victory over time and space. Getting up is a victory over time, and doing it is a victory over space. That is what sadhana is. And when you do a sadhana in the sangat, you enrich yourself in multiple ways.”
-Yogi Bajan
Meditating during the Sadhana offers you an opportunity to clear fears at a subconscious level. Fears held in the mind are neutralised, and so gradually lose their power. You eventually feel freer and your mind becomes calmer. Sadhana offers the space to observe yourself, and to let go of old patterns or samskaras. As you practice Sadhana over longer periods of time, you become more and more aware and increase your awareness that you do not create new samskaras.
Waking up early in the morning to practice morning sadhana might be challenging as it requires willpower and commitment. However, if get up at the same time each day to practice it gets easier over time, and after 40 days, a new discipline is usually created and it becomes natural to you. Sadhana is a victory over the ego, a self-conquest, the experience of direct connection with the infinite Universal Self, far beyond the limited ego. You awaken an expanded consciousness within yourself so that you can ask yourself the most essential question:
Am I willing to act and think from my highest consciousness (Sat Nam) or do I want to cling to my old organized identity? It then sets your mind and body up and the entire day flows from there.
Sadhana in a group can support you. In group Sadhana you carry each other. The sadness of the one is balanced by the joy of another. A blessing for one can be experienced by the whole group since joy holds a higher vibration. This group consciousness helps you to reduce the impact of your ego and to experience the unity with the higher self.
Please bring something to share; fruit, muesli, yogurt etc. if you wish to stay for breakfast. We will have tea, juice and other breakfast foods to share as well.
We will end the morning around 9:30.
To register:
Bijdrage: 25€
Voor meer info: info@thejewelwithinyoga.be